What I’ve Learned From The Ultimate Blog Challenge

Over the past 31 days I have participated in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. The goal was to increase blog traffic and readership.  But the lessons I’ve learned are even  more powerful:
1. The best time to write is when you have time to do it
2. There really is no such thing as writer’s block.  If you are stuck, start writing.  Eventually you’ll get unstuck
3. Not every single thing you write has to be a masterpiece
4. There are a lot of really amazing writers. All with a variety of styles.  There is no better, only different
5. Everyone has something important to say
6. Writing a lot helps you get better at it
7. There are, literally, thousands of topics to write about
8. The worst thing you can say to yourself is I’m not capable
9. No one will agree or disagree with you if you have nothing to say
10. Your toughest critic will be yourself (at least mine is)

Thank you Michele Scism and Michelle Shaeffer for putting this challenge together.
Do you want to start blogging more and increase traffic to your site?  Take the challenge.  The only regret you will have is if you don’t ever try.

(You could have a regret if you kick a beehive or poke a sleeping bear, but those are exceptions to the rule)
Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

How To Lead People You Don’t Agree With


These are two topics that many people suggestion should stay “non-topics” in a polite society.

Following politics in any country shows the passion that people have for their points of view. In the recent election for US
President, the voting populace was severely divided.

Families fought and friendships ended.

But, what about at work?  Can you lead someone that you disagree with politically, religiously or otherwise?

Religion and politics are the third rail of work.  No one is supposed to talk about themor be upset about differences.

But is this realistic?  No.

Diversity and the global nature of work have caused an integration of people that, left to their own devices, might not associate with each other otherwise.

So, if we have to work with and lead people we don’t agree with how do we do it? 


There are two main reasons it’s hard to work with those that you disagree.

1. You see parts of yourself and your beliefs that you don’t really like
“The reason you can’t stand that person in the first place, is that they remind you of what you can’t stand about yourself.- Peter Bregman

2. It causes you to question your beliefs
Any time someone has a worldview or set of beliefs that are different than yours, it calls your beliefs into question.  That is never easy or comfortable.  But, unless its something fundamental like “thou shall not kill”, it can give you different perspective and help you see the world through other’s eyes.

So what do you do about it?

Work hard to find things to agree and work together on.  There are often more similarities than differences between people. Organizations and teams are ripe with a variety areas to have common ground:

• Team goals
• Project completion
• Project outcomes
• Company success
• Professional growth

Regularly explore and expand on them.

Whenever I take on a new team, I always meet with each person and spend time exploring our commonalities.  This way we can begin to build on those right away.  Differences come easily. If they show up after you’ve already built a foundation of commonalities, they are less likely to impact how work together effectively.

No matter what you think of someone’s views, they often are exceptional, or at least capable, in a few areas.  When leading someone that you don’t agree with it’s important to keep those skills at the forefront when working with them.
Otherwise, the people you don’t agree with will become stereotypes.

Conservatives will seem militant; liberals will seem noncommittal, etc.  This occurs because of a phenomenon called “self fulfilling prophecy.”

“A self-fulfilling prophecy is a thought or expectation that occurs because it has been thought. For example, when a teacher assumes that a certain student is not intelligent, the teacher might give that student less positive attention and more negative attention, resulting in poorer performance by the student….. Our behavior can affect others, particularly people over whom we have authority or with whom we spend significant amounts of time.” ~ GoodTherapy.com
The problem is that it can impact the folks we lead and work with. Working with people that are different than us can make us better if we let it.  Remember to focus on each person’s positives.

When there is an area or topic that you don’t agree with someone about, don’t make it the focal point of your relationship.

It is not healthy and makes the team less productive.

• Time spent trying to change an opinion that doesn’t impact the success or failure of the team is time wasted.
• Move on and focus on activities THAT WILL PRODUCE RESULTS.
• Surprisingly, people are much more tolerant of others when they are winning.
• Focus on being a high performance team creates tolerance.

Some of the very best advice given is from folks that you don’t agree with politically or philosophically.  Their opinion is unvarnished. Compliments are more sincere, criticism more pointed and solutions more clear.
People that think differently than you come at issues, problems, etc. from a perspective you don’t have.
It provides for rich ideas that you might not think of on your own or with someone who thinks like you. Actively seek out opinions of those you don’t agree with, you will develop better solutions and become a better person in the process.

In order to have a high performing team or organization, ideas and solutions must come from everywhere.  People must feel free to share their thoughts without worrying about self-censoring their own beliefs.  This stifles creativity and tamps down productivity.

• Stick up for their right to have an opinion different than yours and of others.
• Champion the voice of those that you don’t agree with.
• Make sure they have the platform to speak and share ideas.

Real leaders and partners give voice to everyone on the team, not just the ones that are the same religion or political affiliation.

Being a leader means that you will work with all kinds of people, those that you agree with and those you don’t. You are creating a legacy with every interaction. What is it that you are creating?
Originally posted on Linked2Leadership.com.  Please visit them to read this and other awesome blogs!

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Speaking In Absolutes – The Down Side Of Always And Never

There are two words that should be used sparingly, if at all, as a leader always and never.

Always and never are words that are part of the “all or nothing thinking” in cognitive distortion.
Cognitive distortions — where your mind puts a ‘spin’ on the events you see, and attaches a not-so-objective interpretation to what you experience.
In all or nothing thinking, there is no grey area.  There is no room for improvement or understanding.  Therefore, using words like these lead to stifling growth and hindering innovation.
Always and never are: 

• Not really quantifiable words and generally are a a matter of opinion.
• Charged with innuendo and accusation
Always and never can 

• Make someone defensive
• Encourage someone to ignore a compliment
• Indicate laziness of thought
As leaders , using words like these indicate a lack of interest improving. If we want to create a high performance team that is accountable and driven, it’s time to retire words like always and never.
Generally, always and never are used when giving feedback of some kind. Using words like these indicates that there has been time between the reason for feedback and the feedback itself. Often, there multiple occurrences of the issue before the feedback that includes always/never.
Instead of always or never, use a structure to ensure that feedback can help people develop, grow, improve and become more effective
1.     Let them know the reason for the feedback – Context is key.  Giving adults the reason you want to speak with them gives a frame of reference. They don’t have to wonder “what is this all about”. Depending on the type of feedback – praise or constructive – you may want to ask a question like –
“How do you think XYZ went?”
2.     Let them know the specific issue is:
Praise –

“I want to talk to you about your excellent work on XYZ”
Counsel  –
“Why do you think the meeting took the turn it did?”
3. Let them know the impact of their actions
Praise –
“You attention to detail and leadership shaved 3 weeks off the implementation”
Counsel –
“Getting defensive in the meeting shut down conversation.  It delayed our progress on the project and undermined our relationship with our business partner”
4.     Point out something about them that you see
Praise –
“Your ability to lead others really shows through”
Counsel –
“I know that when you get upset its really your passion for doing a great job that shows through”
5. Use the conversation to develop and promote feedback
Praise – Congratulate them and ask them  –> Why they took the actions they did
“Thanks again for making this project successful.  What had you decide to create the job aids like you did?”
Counsel- Let them know you are dedicated to their success and ask –>What actions they will take to create solutions?
“I really want you to be successful and am glad we could talk about this.  What’s the first thing you actions are you going to take to correct XYZ?”
During the course of these conversations,  ’always’ and ‘never’ should not be used. There is really no place for them.  

Providing feedback is one of the most important parts of being a leader.  It drives development and growth.
What other commonly used words get in the way of leadership development?

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Doing Well By Doing Good

This past week I had the great privilege of training leaders from the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA).  Out of the hundreds of organizations I’ve had the chance to work with, CTCA is truly unique. They have dedicated employees working to support people diagnosed with cancer, and they are exceptionally successful all at the same time.
CTCA is one of the few organizations that makes a difference, creates a great place to work, and yet still does well financially.  This is a rarity in the for-profit world.  Although in practice their methods are complex, their success boils down to just a handful of guiding principles.
They are the embodiment of the maxim, “Doing well by doing good”
Between sessions I was fortunate enough to get a tour of one of their newer facilities. The very layout of the building showcased CTCA ‘s emphasis on patient-centered care. According to my tour guide, CTCA’s CEO is focused on making sure patients come first.   Even if they can no longer pay for treatments, CTCA still grants patients necessary care.
“The more we take care of people, the busier we get. We never worry about the money. We only worry about the patient.”
What if every organization focused all of its energy on creating the most spectacular customer experience this way?  If they strived to ensure the customer was always taken care of, would they have to worry about where their next customer was coming from?  Or would customers be so passionate about the organization, that not only would they never use a competitor, but they would also encourage their friends to become customers, too?
One could say that CTCA is in a unique industry, with an inherent emphasis on care and understanding, – but if every organization was just as concerned about the customer experience, wouldn’t we all be better off?
CTCA clearly understands that putting patients first is the most efficient way to manage their care and dramatically increase the rate of success.  They go to great lengths in making sure the patient feels more like a person, and not just a number.
CTCA continues to grow and achieve success because they leverage the idea of being patient-centered.  They do well by doing good.

When I got the chance to meet people within the facility, I wanted to test this idea of patient-centered care.  It was easy for me to see how nurses and doctors might have this mindset, but I actually found that every single employee felt they were playing a significant role in delivering the very best care possible.
From the security guard, to the person that manages the salad bar, to the folks in the gift center: everyone believed it was his or her job to ensure better care.  This was one of the best examples of each and every person knowing their impact on gaining and retaining customers.
See, CTCA prides itself on giving what they call the “Mother Standard.”  In essence, this means giving every patient the same care you would give to your mother (or any other family member).  In every action, this ideal is considered.  This is CTCA’s way of linking each employee to the end customer – their line of sight. Employees thus connect with the meaning in their job every day, and meaningfulness correlates to the profit and productivity of an organization.

In Daniel Pink’s latest book, ‘To Sell is Human,’ one of the first things he points out is that the consumer is now equipped with as much, if not more, information about the service or product than the person who is doing the selling.  Customers are continuously seeking out organizations that “walk their talk” – mere gimmicks aren’t enough  to sell products anymore.
CTCA is one of the few organizations that really seems to take action and make decisions based on their mission:

“CTCA is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care.  We never stop searching for and providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person, improve quality of life and restore hope.”
Given their industry, their mission is unique because there is no talk of a cure or of ending cancer.  It’s all about the person they are caring for.  Without a doubt, they deliver the very best care using the most state-of-the-art equipment available, but the driving force is their mission.
It is highly unlikely that many organizations could emulate CTCA, because they are such a unique business, but some lessons can be taken from their example:
• If organizations use laser-like focus on making their products, processes, and programs customer-oriented, customers will not only develop loyalty, but also draw friends and family in as well.
• If organizations strive to ensure that each and every employee clearly understands how their job impacts gaining and retaining customers, employees would know how meaningful their roles are. This would increase innovation, loyalty, and efficiency, – and unleash employee passion.
• If organizations design a mission that truly represents their unique value proposition and customer focus, it could – and should – impact actions and decisions. Customers want to work with organizations that walk their talk.
What are your customers saying about your processes and employees?  Do they believe your organization is as focused on them as you have promised to be?
Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Lessons In Leadership From My Wife

(Powerful leadership lessons are learned from everywhere.  In a sporadic series of blogs, I am going to explore the people that taught me those lessons.  Some will be expected, others may not. Thanks for reading!)
I consider myself a lucky man.  Not only did I marry a beautiful, smart and funny woman.  Thankfully, she is also a  great teacher.   My management career started when I was pretty young.  I got the opportunity to lead teams of very smart folks that were my former peers. My wife helped me avoid a lot of pain and jumpstart a team that was in trouble by giving me some simple advice.
“Nobody like a know it all.  Listen first, then make decisions.  Never forget, you are not better than anyone else”
Sagely advice, no?  That advice led me to 5 tactics that I used as a leader and talk about to my clients all the time.
Humility is a powerful tool.

“Humility is often perceived as a weakness when, in fact, it can be a tremendous asset. The leader who is humble rarely allows the power of their position to cloud their judgement. The leader who recognizes they are not perfect creates an environment where those around them feel comfortable making mistakes and taking chances.” – LeRoy McCarty

It is SO important to be humble.  It opens up possibility for others and increases the success of the team.
A humble leader is secure enough to recognize his or her weaknesses and to seek the input and talents of others. By being receptive to outside ideas and assistance, creative leaders open up new avenues for the organization and for their employees.- Doug Guthrie

Yes, everyone knows how important listening is.  We’ve heard it so many times we’ve stopped listening about listening.  But, listening changes a leader in profound ways.

When I took over a new team that was floundering, I sat down with each member of the team and asked ‘What would you do if you were me”.  They gave me great advice.  Simple, elegant solutions that no one else heard because they thought the team was not effective.  But they were, given the chance. As soon as I started implementing their ideas, the turnaround was dramatic.  The magic is I didn’t actually do anything except listen to them.

Somehow we’ve been conditioned to believe the leaders know the answers.  My wife saw that I was struggling with this.  She is never afraid to admit when she doesn’t know.  What I learned from that was people didn’t see that as weakness but as strength.  People want to help, if you don’t know they are willing to lend you their expertise. But you have to ask.

As a leader, you don’t need to have all the answers or have superhuman traits. Instead you need to focus on asking the right questions, engaging your team and focusing on what you’re actually doing.  – Robert Kaplan
Once it is time to make a decision, make it.  Don’t hem and haw.  Don’t analyze things to death.  Act.  Of course, it is important to think about things, gather facts, listen to experts, weight outcomes and all of that.  But, people want their leaders to act.  It is not always perfect or even the correct path.  But some action is better than the agony of waiting and doing nothing.
The important thing is to admit when you have made an incorrect decision and ask for assistance in correcting it or choosing a new path.
Being decisive under tough situations while being responsible for the results is often cited as true leadership. – Bizmu
It is so easy to forget some of the struggles of employees.  There was a time when you weren’t privy to information.  There was a time when you weren’t asked your opinion about how to handle situations. Never forget that there was a time you were not a leader.
Never forget that there was a time you were not a leader. Don’t think that you are above other and be human.  –
In turbulent times, we need our leaders to be more human than ever too. Kerry Bunker
Leadership was easier, more fun and I was more effective because I took on this advice. The funny thing is that I had to “unlearn” a lot of things that other managers had told me.  But, I’m glad I did. I’m pretty sure my team was too.  
Where do you learn unexpected lessons of leadership?  What relationships provide you with valuable insight?

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Leadership Lessons From My Ex-Wife

(Powerful leadership lessons are learned from everywhere.  In a sporadic series of blogs, I am going to explore the people that taught me those lessons.  Some will be expected, others may not. Thanks for reading!)
Although my first marriage didn’t end well, I was fortunate to come out of it relatively unscathed.  It taught me a lot about how to build relationships and how to be a leader.  You could say that my ex-wife gave me great insight of what not to do.
Admittedly, we were having some issues before the end.  We decided that we needed to take on something, like a project, together.  The theory was that we were going to have to rely on each other and in the end see each other in a different light.  Let’s just say that didn’t work. I signed up to lead a big volunteer effort with the understanding that she would be joining me taking on some of the work.  I made my commitment taking on a HUGE role to recruit volunteers and donors.  Then…she backed out.  She said it was “too stressful” and “too much extra time”.
But, I couldn’t back out.  I grit my teeth and took on the extra work.  In the end, it worked out really well. I made excellent contacts, learned a lot about being more efficient and helped a great cause.  It also taught me the importance of doing what you say you will. It not only undermines relationships, but plants the seed that you can’t be trusted.

Have you ever worked with someone that never told you what you did was important even though they gave you all the hard projects and asked you to take on all the difficult tasks?  Try living with them.
Leaders, people need to know that that you SEE what they do matters.  Yes, there are people that will tell you “the work is my reward”.  But, even they will feel put upon if their hard work and great effort is not acknowledged in some way.
My ex-wife never said thank you for the things that I (or others close to her) did.  Mind you, I wasn’t looking for a parade or surprise party (although that might have been nice).  But, it would have been nice to know that she thought what I did mattered or made her life a little better.  I’m actually kind of thankful she didn’t though.  It made me double my efforts to make sure the people that I worked with and my friends knew that I appreciated them.  I wrote a lot of thank you notes, sent thank you emails and did a lot of public recognition for my team.  Not to say that my team(s) would’ve taken a bullet for me, but they knew I had their backs.

This is an oldie but a goodie. My ex-wife (and me too if I’m being honest) was notorious for saying she would be somewhere or do something and not follow through.
She told me that she just felt bad saying no and people felt better when you said yes. She had no intention of doing what she agreed to and would figure out an excuse later.  At first, I thought that was kind of brilliant. You didn’t have to be honest, could make everyone happy and still get to watch the Fear Factor marathon.  But, I noticed that people stopped asking us to do things.  We weren’t getting invited to parties, weddings, etc.  I also noticed that my team started to skip asking me things as well.  Taking my ex-wife’s advice had led to a one-way trip to “lonely-ville”.  One Monday, I learned of a team outing that everyone attended, except me.  They had gone to a place I loved but assumed I would just cancel and didn’t invite me.  I was mortified to learn that by not dealing with telling people no, I was forcing myself into “hermitness”.
That’s the day I stopped doing that entirely.  What a gift that lesson was.  From that point on, I worked on making sure I did what I said I would.  Sometimes that meant saying no, making some people unhappy or disappointed.  Remarkably, I started to get invited to things again, both at work and with friends.

Although some of these lessons were tough to learn, I became a better leader and a better person because of them. I’ve never forgotten the importance of honoring relationships.  They are the cornerstone of making a great workplace and a great life.  
Where do you learn unexpected lessons of leadership?  What relationships provide you with valuable insight?

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

You Fail

There is no doubt you will fail if:

• You don’t do anything that pushes you out of your comfort zone
• You give up before the project, fight or song is over
• You don’t give it your very best effort
• You don’t take risks
• You keep saying someday I will, one day I’ll and that day never comes
• You wait until the perfect moment
• You never try at all.
Life is not about if you will fail, but when.  Life is not about avoiding failure; it is about what kind of person will you be when it happens.
No great person has ever gone through life without failure. Failure shapes, prepares and hones.
If in the end you have never failed, than it is likely you have never really lived.
Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Why Solve A Problem When You Can Slay It!

Are there problems that occur in your organization that seem to never get fully resolved?  Even when “solved” they keep coming back like bad fruitcake or an unwanted relative?  Maybe its time to put those issues out of their misery and slay them for good.

Why do these that problems/issues linger?
Once a solution is identified the emphasis on it ends.  It is as if just by finding the solution the problem will go away. – Deming
But finding the solution is only half the battle.  
Slaying it will take determining the REAL reason it happens, developing solution, complete implementation AND follow up

Want to slay a problem for good?  First the real reason, the underlying root cause, must be identified.  Until that is uncovered, only the symptoms of the real problem will be addressed.

There is a technique in Six Sigma call the 5 Whys.  Although there are some other methods, this is the most straightforward and easy to use.
By repeatedly asking the question “Why” (five is a good rule of thumb), you can peel away the layers of symptoms which can lead to the root cause of a problem. Very often the ostensible reason for a problem will lead you to another question. Although this technique is called “5 Whys,” you may find that you will need to ask the question fewer or more times than five before you find the issue related to a problem.
A solution to slay an organizational issue can only be developed once the TRUE issue or problem is uncovered. 
NOW we can come up with a resolution…

The people impacted by an issue very often don’t have a hand in developing solutions.  How can there be buy-in if the people that have to live with the solution are not involved in developing it?  If the goal is to slay the problem for good, those impacted must be involved in creating the solution. 
There are literally thousands of methods to lead teams through solving problems.  When used properly, most of them are very effective.  The key is to involve those people causing, influencing of impacted by the issue.  As with any change initiative, involving the impacted ensures that they:
• Believe there is an issue in the first place
• Understand the cost of the issue/problem lingering
• Develop a solution that will work within the culture AND is feasible!
• Are willing to champion the solution

Autonomy, ownership, accountability, blueberry…. wait what?  Not giving the folks that developed the solution the responsibility and accountability to implement it is a recipe for disaster. It is one of the quickest ways to ensure that the solution will likely fail.
Empower and give autonomy, within reason and boundaries, to the employees that created the solution to implement it!  That might mean partnering them with a project manager or giving them some training.  But, that is small price to pay for eradicating the issue forever.

Being given responsibility without authority can breed a sense of helplessness, frustration, humiliation and despair, but never a sense empowerment.”- JJ Tuan

Launching or implementing the solution is not the end of the issue, it’s the beginning.  Once the solution is implemented is vital to continue communicating about

• What has changed
• Why things are better
• Specific examples of what has improved
• Recognizing people’s efforts and accomplishments
Remember not to use buzzwords or jargon.  Constant communication reminds people that there is still emphasis on the problem/solution.

The solution that is implemented is rarely perfect.  Yes, it’s true.  Perfection is not the goal, slaying the problem is!  Make sure that the solution and current situation are reviewed at regular intervals.  This way there can be course corrections when issues are noticed or the intended result is not reached.  The only way to ensure the problem/issue does not return with a vengeance is constant vigilance.
The most effective way to increase the ability to innovate and be creative is stop lingering issues/problems dead in their tracks.
What are you doing to slay your organization’s problems?

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Are You A Sourpuss At Work?

One of the most interesting phenomenons at organizations is the lack of smiles, laughter and overall good humor.  Why is that? What is it about our work lives that makes us stodgy and humorless?
At my very first client  meeting as a consultant, the tenor was decidedly somber.  Even though the topic of the meeting was good news, everyone was very serious.  Although I thought it a bit strange I chalked it up to that group. After almost 20 years, I have noticed that the somber and serious nature is more the rule than the exception.

Over the years I’ve conducted a very unscientific study and concluded at work we suffer from the “Sourpuss Syndrome”.  Below are the primary reasons and remedies for it.


Reason – We have been told that being serious equates to being an adult.  Teachers were serious, parents were serious and therefore authority figures should be too.  If you are not, then how can someone take you seriously as a leader?

Perhaps I’m particularly serious, because I’m not unaware of the potential absurdity of what I’m doing. – Daniel Day-Lewis
But, being a leader (and a member of a team) actually requires having a sense of humor.
The vast majority of the successful CEO certainly do [have a sense of humor]. I’m not sure why that is, but I suspect it has something to do with a combination of enjoying life, loving what you do for a living, and not taking yourself too seriously. – Steven Tobak (please read his blog, it’s awesome)
Remedy – Use humor appropriately and laugh at things that are funny.  Yes, laugh.  Humor is a powerful thing.
In the end, it helps people understand each other’s commonalities.  In effect it brings people together.  Don’t be offensive or tell jokes at other’s expense.  But, please stop taking yourself and what you do so seriously.  People don’t trust leaders that can’t laugh, especially at themselves.

Reason – Remember when we were kids?  Teachers and parents used to scold us about laughter. They would say, “If you are laughing than you can’t be working”.  The problem is that we believed them.  We stopped laughing and started concentrating really hard.  But what if all that concentrating actually hindered out abilities to be as innovative.  Stifling laughter made meetings  dreadful and work boring.
Remedy – Laugh more freely, more often and with gusto!
Okay, don’t laugh at everything.  Use common sense.  Cruelty is never funny.  But laughter actually makes more oxygen available to the brain.  It can increase the level of productivity

Laughter can create a productive and healthy work environment– Chris Robert, Professor at University of Missouri-Columbia
And, if that weren’t enough, it can dramatically reduce the amount of stress at work.

So, if you laugh you will be more productive and less stressed.  Do you need more reasons to laugh a little?

Reason –  Work is work.   Growing up many children see their parent go off to jobs that they absolutely detest.  Some with good reason.  But, most seem to believe that the definition of work is –
 ”The thing you have to do in order to pay for the things you want to do”.
Merriam Webster defines work as “Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.” There isn’t anything in there about it being miserable or drudgery.  That is what we add to it.
Remedy – Put your all into your work and enjoy it.  Research how to be more effective.  Create new ways of doing your job. If you are a leader, encourage this.  

The truth is, no one likes a sourpuss.  No one wants to work with someone that stifles humor.  In the end, it makes you and the team you lead/work with less productive.  Stop being so serious, laugh a little and have fun at work.

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Goals Unachieved


• If you don’t set them
• If you try to do the impossible
• If you’re not committed to it
• If they don’t inspire you
• If they aren’t flexible to bend to the obstacles, challenges and realities of life
• If you write them down but never act on them
• If working on them means you sacrifice your health, family and other important areas of your life.


Difficult goals lead to higher performance
Specific goals lead to higher performance

People who set goals tend to be more successful, fulfilled and engaged in life.
What goals do you have?  What are you doing to set and reach your goals this year?

Anil Saxena is the President of Cube 2.14, an organizational development consulting firm that works with clients to increase both customer and employee engagement while decreasing turnover, improving customer retention, and increasing profitability within organizations.

Saxena is a certified High Impact coach and trainer and a Joint Application Design facilitator. He is also certified by both Rush Systems and IBM as a focus group facilitator. He is an inaugural member of Northwestern University’s Learning and Organizational Change program, and he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.


Cube 2.14 will increase your organizational effectiveness. We specialize in developing innovative, practical solutions to create productive workplaces that exceed goals.